

*1983 Tokyo (Japan)    

Vincent Glanzmann enjoys himself as a drummer, sound designer and creative director. The internationally active artist is currently based in Zurich, Switzerland. His joyfully designed experiences, performances and releases reveil an intimate and caring devotion to detail and aesthetics.

Born in Tokyo, Japan, his human experience started, by him entering a world dedicated to design. From meticulously maintained gardens, traditional and futuristic architecture to carefully crafted and packaged objects, the osmotic internalization of this cultural heritage, sensitized him to the aesthetics of his surroundings.

The open nature of his work has led him to a multitude of collaborations with a broad spectrum of artists within contemporary music, visual arts, contemporary ballet, immersive theater, fashion and literature. 

He has done commissioned wor/k and creative direction for major Swiss companies like Merz, Wüest Partner and Swissmedic and has been invited to show his artistry in undeground offspaces, squats, galeries, museums, festivals, opera houses as well as the Paris Fashion Week.

In his electro-acoustical solo work, he is primarily interested in cultivating a personal and intimate musical logic aswell as investigating compositional and performative ideas. After his carefully crafted, second solo album Z/Rzw-Shiiiiiii (2018, TSOM) he has followed up with his third solo record SZSHH (2022, esc.rec). A dedication to dance choreographer Sasha Waltz. This record was presented not as a concert, but as a sight-specific, immersive, audio-visual exhibition in an illegal wine distillery.

He obtained a Master of Arts degree in music performance / jazz at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in 2012 and has operated as a freelancer and independent artist ever since. 

In December 2016, he was the Artist in Residence at Moods, Zurich and in 2017 the city of Zurich honored him with the cultural award “Werkjahr”. For the period of 2023-2027 he granted with a scholarship by the Arvore Foundation.

Next to being a Board Member of the internationally acclaimed music club Moods, Zurich he is engaging himself in a voluntary capacity as a member of the Moods Musicians Council. Additionally he has worked as a jury member for the Aida Alimann Price since 2020. He has been a co-organiser of the underground concert series Seismogram in Zurich and is a co-curator of the Moods Series Carte Blanche. 

In these above mentiones contexts, he considers it important to support the progressive Swiss community of artists by means of compassionate activism.


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